Who we are

Ricardo Purcell, founder and partner at Kaji, is Agriculture Engineer from the Universidad Católica de Chile involved in the fish farming industry since 1988. Ricardo was Sales Director of the Mainstream Group (Cermaq ASA) until 2007 and then CEO of Cultivos Marinos Chiloé until 2012.

Guido Iniguez, founder and partner at Kaji, is Agriculture Engineer from the Universidad Austral de Chile involved in the fish farming industry since 2005. Guido was Sales Director in Mainstream Chile S.A. (Cermaq Chile) until the end of 2012.

Sandra Valenzuela, is our Export Manager in charge of all the export documentation and office administration

Macarena Serón, dealing with Customer Service in a daily basis.

We also have a high level team working onsite for you.